

High Yield MCQs for Nursing Officer exam part 4

High yield MCQs for Nursing officer exam part 4

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401. The .............. lobe is for hearing as the occipital lobe is for vision:
A. Frontal
B. Temporal
C. Parietal
D. Cerebellar
Ans B

402. The nurse is assessing the motor and sensory function of an unconscious client. The nurse should use which technique to test the client's peripheral response to pain?
A. Sternal rub
B. Nail bed pressure
C. Pressure on the orbital rim
D. Squeezing of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
Ans   B

403. Which of the following pairs is sensory nerve?
A. 1,2,8
B. 2,3
C. 7,5,9
D. 6,12
Ans A

404. What are the symptoms of digoxine toxicity?
A. Decreased urine output
B. Bradycardia
C. Severe hyponatremia
D. Tingling
Ans A

405. Kate with severe head injury being mon-itored by the nurse for increasing intracranial pressure (ICP). Which finding should be most indicative sign of increasing intracranlal pressure?
A. Intermittent tachycardia
B. Polydipsia
C. Tachypnea
D. Increased restlessness
Ans D

406. A client recovering from a head injury is participating in care. The nurse determines that the client understands measures to prevent elevations in intracranial pressure if the nurse observes the client doing which activity?
A. Blowing the nose
B. Isometric exercises
C. Coughing vigorously
D. Exhaling during repositioning
Ans  D

407. Some of the fibers from each eye cross over to the opposite brain hemisphere at which point?
A. Optic chaisma
B. Optic nerve
C. Blind Spot
D. Phobia
Ans  A
408. CSF secretes at the rate of how much ml/min?
A. 10 ml/min
B. 0.5 ml/min
C. 05 ml/min
D. 1.5 ml/min
Ans  B

409. Which part of the brain that sends sign-als alert to higher centres of the brain in resp-onse to incoming messages?
A. Limbic system
B. Reticular formation
C. Amygdala
D. Hippocampus
Ans B

410. Axon and dendrites are part of .............?
A. Myellin sheath
B. Cell body
C. Neuron
D. None of these
Ans C

411. A HIV positive patients refuse to discl-ose his diagnosis with wife what is nsg do?
A. Confidiansility
B. Inform to his wife
C. Inform to his family
D. Information to hospital administration
Ans A

 412. The thalamus can be characterised as what?
A. A regulatory systemn
B. The conscious switch of the brain
C. A relay system
D. A bridge between two cerebral hemispheres
Ans  B

413. The neurons mainly located within the CNS between sensory and motor neurons termed as what?
A. Associated neurons
B. Afferent neurons
C. Efferent neurons
D. Both B and C
Ans  D

414. A nurse is planning to assess the corneal reflex on unconscious client. Which of the following is the safest stimulus to touch the client's cornea?
A. Cotton buds
B. Sterile glove
C. Sterile tongue depressor
D. Wisp of cotton
Ans  D

415. Nuchal rigidity with fever & Headache are classical symptom of:
A. Alzheimer
B. Viral Meningitis
C. Parkinsonism
D. Huntingtion chorea
Ans B

416.Simple face mask having an oxygen flow of 4-6 1/min delivers an Oxygen concentration of:
A. 20-30%
B. 30-50%
C. 40-60%
D. 80-100%
Ans  C

417. When suctioning an unconscious client, which nursing intervention should the nurse prioritizes in maintaining cerebral perfusion?
A. Administer diuretics
B. Administer analgesics
C. Provide hygiene
D. Hyperoxygenate before and after suctioning
Ans  D

418. Reflexes are usually controlled by which of the following?
A. Medulla
B. Frontal lobe
C. Spinal cord
D. Hypothalamus
Ans C

 419. Nurse Carol is assessing a client with Parkinson's disease. The nurse recognizes bradykinesia when the client exhibits:
A. Intentional tremor
B. Paralysis of limbs
C. Muscle spasm
D. Lack of spontaneous movement
Ans  D

420. In hospital corider a patient have epilep-sy, during tonic-clonic phase a nurse first prio-rity is?
A. Prevent from head injury
B. Airway protection
C. Inform to doctor
D. Apply oxygen
Ans  A

421. Which is acid fast bacili-
A. Vibrio cholera
B. M. Leprae
C. C. tetani
D. Streptococci
Ans  C

422. A client has clear fluid leaking from the nose following a basilar skull fracture. Which finding would alert the nurse that cerebrospi-nal fluid is present?
A. Fluid is clear and tests negative for glucose.
B. Fluid is grossly bloody in appearance and has a pH of 6.
C. Fluid clumps together on the dressing and has a pH of 7.
D. Fluid separates into concentric rings and test positive for glucose
Ans  D

423. Fluid around the brain and spinal cord is known as.........?
A. Cerebrospinal fluid
B. Intracellular fluid
C. Extracellular fluid
D. Both B and C
Ans  A

424. A couple indicate that they do not want any more children. The women are scheduled for a laparoscopic bilateral tubal ligation. What should the nurse include in preoperative teaching?
A. "Menstruation will stop after the surgery."
B. "Birth control will be needed until your followup visit."
C. "You will be admitted as an outpatient for same-day surgery."
D. You can have the operation reversed if you decide to have more children."
Ans  C

425. Inflammation of spinal cord is termed as what?
A. Meningitis
B. Myelitis
C. Neuritis
D. Myelography
Ans  B

426. Spinal cord connects to the brain throu-gh which of the following structure?
A. Foramen magnum
B. Nerves
C. Fibres
D. Muscles
Ans A

427. A myasthenia gravis patient eary sympt-oms is?
A. Ptosis
B. Salvation
C. Paralysis
D. Dysphagia
Ans A

428. Acid base imbalance that develops in acute renal failure is:
A. Metabolic acidosis
B. Respiratory acidosis
C. Respiratory alkalosis
D. Metabolic alkalosis
Ans A

429. What is the most potentially dangerous complication of peritoneal dialysis?
A. Abdominal pain
B. GI bleeding
C. Peritonitis
D. Muscle cramps
Ans  C

430. Signs of severe dehydration in infants:
A. Loose motion
B. Changes in mental state
C. Cognitive disturbance
D. Shriveled and dry skin
Ans D

431.  What is correct statement about intra-muscular injection administration except:
A. Aspirate blood by pulling back the piston
B. Use long needle for fatty people
C. Touch the shaft of needle for prevent pain
D. Don't touch the shaft of the needle
Ans C

432. The correct sequence for abdominal assessment is:
A. Inspection, percussion, palpation, ausculta-tion.
B. Inspection, auscultation palpation, percus-sion.
C. Inspection, palpation, auscultation, percus-sion.
D. Inspection, percussion auscultation, palpa-tion
 Ans B

433. what complication should a nurse moni-tor a client when an oxytocin (pitocin) infusion is used to induce labor?
A. Intense pain
B. Uterine tetany
C. Hypoglycemia
D. Umbilical cord prolapse
Ans B

434. What is the effect of cyclosporine in a patient undergone renal transplantation?
A. Immunosuppressant
B. Anti-inflammatory
C. Antibacterial
D. Diuretic
Ans A

435. Which of the following feature is not related to cushing's triad?
A. Systolic BP
B. Hypothermia
C. Bradycardia
D. Widening pulse pressure
Ans B

436. Morbidly adherent placenta is called as:
A. Battledore placenta
B. Placenta accreta
C. Placenta succenturiata
D. Placenta circumvallata
Ans B

437. Palliative care means............:
A. Pain relief
B. Symptom relief
C. Ostomy care
D. General care
Ans B

438. Look the image and identify this:
A. Uro bag
B. Urometer
C. Enema equipment
D. Enema bulb
Ans C

439. Which of the following hormone is called a "Stress" hormone?
A. Calcitonin
B. Vasopressin
C. Cortisol
D. Prolactin
Ans C

440. A patient can become toxic on a normal dose of digitalis when ------ is present:
A. Hyperkalemia
B. Hypertention
C. Hypokalemia
D. Hypotention
Ans A

441. AIDS was first detected in india in the year?
A. 1981
B. 1985
C. 1986
D. 1991
Ans C

442. Which among the malarial parasite is responsible for cerebral malaria?
A. P. vivax
B. P. Ovale
C. P. falciparum
D. P. quastan
Ans C

443. Which of the following is not a vaccine preventable disease?
A. Meningococcal meningitis
B. Rheumatic fever
C. Rotavirus diarrhea
D. Japanese encephalitis
Ans B

444. Wilms tumor is associated with:
A. Polycystic kidney
B. Renal dysplasia
C. Renal hypoplasia
D. Horse-shoe kidney
Ans B

445. When helping a stroke client nurse should assist:
A. On strong site
B. On weak site
C. From behind
D. From back
Ans B

446. In chronic renal failure all the following noticed except:
A. Anemia
B. Hypocalcemia
C. Hyperkalemia
D. Metabolic acidosis
Ans C

447. Highest incident of abortion is seen among:
A. Husband with "A" group and wife with "O" group
B. Husband with "O" group and wife with "A" group
C. Husband with "A" group and wife with "B" group
D. Husband with "AB" group and wife with "O" group
Ans A

448. When assessing the adequacy of sperm for conception to occur, which of the following is the most useful criterion?
A. Sperm count
B. Sperm motility
C. Sperm maturity
D. Semen volume
 Ans B

449. The safest position for a lady with cord prolapse in labor is:
A. Fowler's position
B. Prone
C. Supine
D. Knee chest position
Ans D

450. The term "schizophrenia" was coined by whom in which year?
A. Fread 1900
B. Eugen Bleuler in 1910
C. Dr. Emile Kraepelin in the 1887
D. None of these
Ans B

451. A cataract is..............:
A. Crystallization of the pupil
B. Opacity of lens
C. Thin film over the cornea
D. Opacity of conjunctiva
Ans B

452. A disease condition in which the bone matrix is lost, there by weakening the bones, susceptible:
A. Osteomyelitis
B. Osteoarthritis
C. Osteoporosis
D. Osteochondritis
Ans C

453. An adult client with renal insufficiency has been placed on a fluid restriction of 1200 mL per day. The nurse discusses the fluid restriction with the dietitian and then plans to allow the client to have how many milliliters of fluid from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM?
A. 400 mL
B. 600 mL
C. 800 mL
D. 1000 mL
Ans A

454. A client with raynaud phenomenon is prescribed Diltiazem (Cardizem). An expected outcome is:
A. Decrease heart rate
B. Conversion to normal sinus rhythm
C. Reduced episodes of finger numbness
D. Increased
Ans C

455. The primary aim of psychiatric treatment is to:
A. Release the patients of symptoms
B. Return the patient to his home
C. Help the patient to make better psychosocial adjustment
D. Prevent the patient from becoming psychotic
Ans C

456.Initial symptoms of dysfunction of VP shunt?
A. Subdural hematoma
B. Slite-ventricle syndrome
C. Hydrocephalus
D. Epilepsy
Ans D

457. Amount of blood used for exchange transfusion in neonate is:
A. 50 ml/kg body weight

B. 65 ml/kg body weight
C. 80 ml/kg body weight
D. 100 ml/kg body weight
Ans C

458. Causative organism of yellow fever is:
A. Myxovirus
B. Rhabdovirus
C. Enterovirus
D. Arbovirus
Ans D

459. The procedure which involves giving a synchronized counter shock to convert an undesirable rhythm to stable rhythm is:
A. Difibrillation
B. Pacemaker
C. Cardiac stimulator
D. Cardioversion
Ans D

460.  Deficiency of which of the following vitamins causes pellagra:
A. Folic acid
B. Vit. D
C. Vit. B12
D. Niacin
Ans D

461. Hyperventilation associated with meta-bolic acidosis:
A. Cheyne stokes respiration
B. Kussmauls breathing
C. Biots respiration
D. Orthopnea
Ans B

462. Which is a common problem that comfr-onts the client in labour when an internal fetal monitor has been applied to her abdomen?
A. Bruising of the fetal scalp
B. Interference with breathing techniques
C. Increase frequency of vaginal examinations
D. Inability to take sedatives
Ans A

463. Nausea and vomiting during first trimester of pregnancy is an adaptation to the increased levels of:
A. Leutinising hormone
B. Progesterone
C. Oestrogen
D. Chorionic gonadotropin
Ans D

464. Speech centre is................:
A. Broca's area
B. Premotor area
C. Frontal area
D. Postcentral area
Ans A

465.  Immediately before expulsion, which of the following cardinal movements occur?
A. Descent
B. Flexion
C. Extension
D. External rotation
Ans D

466. Which is the best site of DPT immunization?
A. Anterolateral thigh
B. Vastus lateralis
C. Dorsogluteal
D. Ventrogluteal area
Ans A

467. Normal range of CSF protein is...........:
A. 15-25 mg/dl
B. 20-40 mg/dl
C. 15-30 mg/dl
D. 15-45 mg/dl
Ans D

468. Which one of the following nursing measures would be most appropriate in the care of the patient who has acute epistaxis?
A. Place the patient's head between his legs
B. Tilt's the patient's head back

C. Pinch the nose and have the patient lean forward
D. Place warm compresses on the patient's nasal bridge
Ans C

469.Prevention of non communicable disease:
A. Life style modifications
B. Behavior modifications
C. Diet modifications
D. All the above
Ans D

470. Fracture occurs at the distal end of the fibula:
A. Colle's fracture
B. Oblique fracture
C. Spiral fracture
D. Pott's fracture
Ans D

471. Common cancer of the oral cavity:
A. Adenocarcinoma
B. Melanoma
C. Squamous cell carcinoma
D. Sarcoma
Ans C
 472. Developmental task of adolescence is:
A. Family vs peer relation
B. Trust vs mistrust
C. Identify vs role confusion
D. Initiative vs shame

Ans C

473. Daily calcium requirement of a lactating mother?
A. 700 mg
B. 1000 mg
C. 1200 mg
D. 500 mg
Ans C

474.  Narcotics are not administered in patients with high cervical injury as they add risk of:
A. Sedation
B. Increased ICP
C. Respiratory depression
D. Drug dependence
Ans C

475. A male client becomes angry toward the nurse after speaking on the phone with his mother. The nurse recognizes this as what defense mechanism?
A. Retionalization
B. Repression
C. Displacement
D. Suppression
Ans C

 476. Uses of adrenaline except in:
A. Anaphylactic shock
B. Angioedema
C. Mydriasis
D. Trobbing headache
Ans D

477. VP shunt is the surgical management for:
A. Spina bifida
B. Brain tumor
C. Hydrocephalus
Ans C

478. The cells involved in inflammatory reac-tions are called:
A. Neutrophils
B. Eosinophils
C. Basophils
D. Lymphocytes
Ans  A

479.  The term cataplexy denotes:
A. Immobile position that is constantly maintained
B. Rigidity associated with catatonic states
C. Temporary loss of muscle tone

D. Catatonic symptom with rigid odd posture
 Ans C

480. Freeze dried vaccines are:
A. Tetanus
B. Polio
C. Measles
D. None of these
Ans C

481. Abnormal involuntary movement which occurs suddenly, repetitively and purposeless is:
A. Mannerism
B. Compulsion
C. Cataplexy
D. Tic
Ans D

482. When teaching a patient who has a diagnosis of schizophrenia about success independent living in the community, a nurse should encourage the patient to:
A. Establish a structured daily routine
B. Spend time alone
C. Discontinue medication when symptoms disappear
D. Plan a programme of self fullfillment
Ans A

483. A false unshakable belief is..............:
A. Illusion
B. Hallucination
C. Delusion
D. Derealization
Ans C

484. The muscle covers the shoulder and the back of the neck in:
A. Trapezius
B. Masseter
C. Biceps
D. Temporalis
Ans A

485.  Shock which is resulting from severe allergic reaction is:
A. Distributive shock
B. Septic shock
C. Anaphylactic shock
D. Neurogenic shock
Ans C

486. The main objective of nursing care in asphyxia baby is :
A. Initiate early breathing
B. Administer oxygen
C. Gentle handling of the baby
D. Maintain clear airway
Ans B
486. Gout is caused by:
A. Viral cold
B. Droplet infection
C. Mild conjunctivitis
D. Uric acid
Ans D

488. Nornmally respiratory centre is stimula-ted by:
A. Oxygen
B. Blood pH
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Lactic acid
Ans C

489. Which of the following special investig-ation is used to identify structural chromoso-mal abnormality of foetus in utero.
A. Acetyl choline esterase
B. Maternal Serum alpha fetoprotein
C. Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH)
Ans C

490. Crackles heard on lung auscultation indicate which of the following?
A. Cyanosis
B. Bronchospasm
C. Airway narrowing
D. Fluid filled alveoli
Ans D
491. The normal intraocular pressure is:
A. 06-21 mmHg
B. 16-25 mmHg
C. 20-35 mmHg
D. 19-38 mmHg
Ans  A

492. A nurse inadvertently infuses an IV solu-tion containing potassium chloride too rapidly. Which of the following is an appropriate inter-vention advised by the physician?
A. Rapid infusion of IV Ringer's solution
B. Rapid infusion of IV NS 0.9%
C. Insulin added to 10% dextrose in water sol-ution
D. Administration of albumin

Ans C

493.  A false memory that the patient believes to be true is:
A. Confabulation
B. Fugue
C. Cataplexy
D. Anergia
Ans A

494. Volume of air inspired of expired during a normal respiration is called:
A. Vital capacity
B. Tidal volume
C. Residual volume
D. Total lung capacity
Ans B

495. Which of the following characteristics of contractions would the nurse expect to find in a patient experiencing true labor?
A. Occurring at irregular intervals
B. Starting mainly in the abdomen
C. Gradually increasing intervals
D. Increasing intensity with walking
Ans D

496. Guillain-barre syndrome is manifested with:
A. Muscle atrophy and persistent reflexes
B. Symmetric muscle weakness, diminished reflexes and paresthesia
C. Muscle atrophy convulsions and behavioral problemms
D. Symmetric muscle weakness, increased tone and persistent reflexes
Ans B

497. Excess growth hormone in adult results in:
A. Cushing's syndrome
B. Gigantism
C. Dwarfism
D. Acromegaly
Ans D

498. The most common site of bleeding in children with hemophilia is:
A. Joints
B. Stomach
C. Gum
D. Nose
Ans A

499. Which of the following symptoms should the nurse teach the client with unstable angina to report immediately to the physician?
A. Achange in the pattern of the chest pain
B. Pain during sexual activity
C. Pain during an argument
D. Pain during or after a physical activity
Ans A

500. Caused of UTI due to indwelling catheter?
A. Iaotrogenic infection
B. Abscess
C. Pyelonephritis
D. Expelled droplet
Ans A


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