

Nursing Assessment – Review

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Nursing Assessment – Review

1. Which cranial nerves control the extraocular muscles (EOM)?
Oculomotor (II),
Abducens (VI),
Trochlear (IV)

2. Documenting Heart Sounds
Timing: systole/diastole

3. Striae which occur when elastic fibers in the reticular layers of the skin are broken after rapid or prolonged stretching, have a distinct color when of long duration. What is this color?

Silvery White

4. Keloid
hypertrophic scar, elevated skin by excess scar tissue

5. What 4 areas do you auscultate when listening to the heart?

Aortic (2nd Rt, ICS)
Pulmonary (2nd Left, ICS)
Tricuspid (Lt lower sternum)
Mitral (5th ICS mid clavicle)

6. Cranial Nerve Mnemonic Sensory, Motor or Both

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7. Osteoarthritis
Degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone, most common from middle age onward. It causes pain and stiffness, especially in the hip, knee, and thumb joints.

8. Polycyclic
i.e. psoriasis, angular lesions grow together

9. Define a Lymph Node
Small oval clumps of lymphatic tissue located at intervals along the vessels.
Filter fluid before returned to bloodstream remove harmful organisms.

10. Which of the following options is not a change that comes with menopause?
The vaginal pH becomes more alkalotic
The vagina becomes shorter and narrower
The cervix shrinks
The ovaries hypertrophy

11. Scale
Compact flakes of skin

12. During assessment of the spine, what do you ask the patient?

13. Characteristics of Osteoarthritis?
Joints ache and may be tender but have little or no swelling.
Symptoms often begin on one side of the body and may spread to the other side.
Onset develops slow over the years
Meta-tarso-phlangeal joint
Redness, swelling, heat, tenderness
metabolic disorder, elevated serum uric acid
More predominant in men older than 40 yrs

14. A murmur heard after S1 and before S2 is classified as
Systolic (possibly benign)

15. Zosteriform
Linear around unilateral nerve
ex: herpes

16. Moving the sole of the foot outward at the ankle

17. A patient is admitted with diabetes mellitus, has a glucose level of 380 mg/dl, and a moderate level of ketones in the urine. As the nurse assesses for signs of ketoacidosis, which of the following respiratory patterns would the nurse expect to find?

Kussmaauls Respirations
The lungs try to compensate for the acidosis by blowing off volatile acids and carbon dioxide. This leads to a pattern of Kussmaul respirations, which are deep and nonlabored.

18. If someone has diabetes but not ketoacidosis they are

19. Confluent Lesion
Ex hives//uriticaria

20. The nurse assess a patient with osteoarthritis, what would be an expected sign/symptom?
Stiff knees, hips, fingers, and vertebrae

21. Moving the arm in a circle around the shoulder

22. Melena
Really dark stools b/c of blood

23. Discrete lesion
Skin tags//acne

24. 3 areas of the Glasgow Coma Scale
eye opening
motor response to stimuli
verbal response

25. Swan-neck, boutonnière deformity, and ulnar deviation are conditions associated with
Rheumatoid arthritis

26. Cerebellar function is assessed by which of the following tests?
Coordination, hop on one foot

27. Often seen with history of trauma or obesity, and can be genetic

28. Arterial Insufficiency Characteristics
Diminished pulses
shiny, thin skin
well defined edges NO bleeding
pale ischemic base
occur at toes, heels, lateral ankle

29. Cranial Nerve Mneumonic

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30. What is the parietal lobe concerned with?
post-central gyrus
primary center for sensation

31. An area of the body that is supplied mainly from one spinal segment through a particular spinal nerve is identified as a:

32. Why are children more at risk for ear infections?
They have shorter, wider, more horizontal Eustachian tubes

33. Each half of the cerebrum is a

34. Characterized by hard, non-tender nodules, 2 to 3 mm or more

35. Wheal
raised irregular shape due to edema
mosquito bites, allergies

26. Control of body temperature

27. Macule
Patch larger than 1 cm
flat not raised

28. Where is S1 louder than S2
at the apex

29. Temporal Lobe Function?
Auditory reception center
Hearing, taste, and smell
Wernicke's Area= language comprehension

30. This occurs when the pulmonic valve stays open a little bit longer during inspiration.
Split S2 (lub-T-dub)

31. Objective Findings for Osteoarthritis

Limited ROM in the affected joint
fluid is easily moved around the joint space

32. Turning the forearm so the palm is out

33. Subjective Data for Osteoarthritis
Pain (worse later in the day)
reported limited ROM

34. When is the best time to perform a breast self examination?
on the 4th - 7th day of the cycle

35. Papule
Plaque larger than 1 cm
can feel, slightly elevated
mole wart

36. Signs/Symptoms of Hemorrhoids
Swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus that cause discomfort and bleeding
Painless flabby papules, varicose vein of the hemorrhoidal plexus
Occurs from straining at stool, pregnancy, obesity, liver disease, or low fiber diet.

37. A 78 year old male comes into the office and the nurse assesses that he has a greying/white arc/circle around his cornea with no vision loss. She should conclude that the patient has:
Arcus Senillis

38. Moving the body part forward and parallel to the ground

39. A newborn’s nail beds may be blue (cyanotic) for the first few hours of life, then they turn what color?

40. Neurological Changes in the Older Adult
loss of muscle bulk
general atrophy
nerve conduction decrease 5-10%
Slower Reaction Time
Touch, Smell Taste, Pain sensation diminished
decrease blood flow / oxygen

41. Vesicle
Bulla- larger than 1cm
a blister, herpes chicken pox, shingles

42. Turning the forearm so the palm is up

43. What is the function of the occipital lobe?
Visual Receptor Center

44. What is the best position for inspecting the breasts for retraction?
Sitting with hand pushing onto hips

45. Signs/Symptoms of Fecal Impaction
Decreased Bowel Motility
A collection of hard, desiccated feces in the rectum
May complain of constipation or of diarrhea as a fecal stream passes around the impaction

46. Venous Insufficiency Characteristics
Brawny edema
brown pigment deposits
pulses are normal
Bleeding uneven edges

47. Straightening a limb at a joint

48. RAM
Roy's Adaption Model
the individual as a set of interrelated systems (biological, psychological and social).
strives to maintain a balance between these systems and the outside world,

49. During neurologic examination the tendon reflex fails to appear. Before striking the tendon again, the examiner might use what type of technique?

50. Bending a limb at a joint

51. Influences Body Temperature
Diurnal Cycle

52. Where is the most common site for breast tumors
upper outer quadrant
65. Moving a body part backward and parallel to the ground

53. Dehydration Assessment
Dry mucous membranes
lips cracked
Skin is fissured
Tenting w/ turgor

54. skin normal findings seen mostly in infants?
Cafe Au Lait Spot
Mongolian Spot

55. Which of the following vital signs are characteristic of an aging adult?
Decreased temperature
Decreased sweating
Increased risk of orthostatic hypotension

56. What are the 4 main lymph nodes accessible to inspection and palpation?
Cervical Node
Axillary Node
Epitrochlear Node
Inguinal Node

57. How often should males 15 yrs > do a testicular self exam?
Once a month

58. What is genu valgum?
Knocked Knees

59. Older Adult Expected Finding During Breast Exam
lactiferous ducts are more palpable
feel firm and stringy b/c of fibrosis and calcification.

60. What does a “normal” tympanic membrane look like?
Shiny, translucent, pearly grey

61. An Area not commonly associated with pain

62. The nurse is teaching a community class to people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. What is the explanation for that?
Cells become resistant to circulating insulin
Normally insulin binds to special receptor sites on the cells and initiates a series of reactions involved in metabolism. In Type 2 diabetes these reactions are diminished primarily as a result of obesity and aging."

63. Care for DKA
Fluid/electrolyte imbalance
normal saline 0.45%
blood glucose level
IV insulin

64. If a diabetic has ketoacidosis what will potassium be?
Renal failure

65. What angle do you hold the needle for an average sized subcutaneous injection?
45 degrees

66. Explain polyphagia for diabetes
We get hungry because our cells are starving for energy.

67. This type of illness is sudden.  It can last 3-6 months. It can also be reversed
Acute Illness

68. A blood sugar is well controlled when haemoglobin A1c is what percentage?

69. Nursing Diagnoses for patient with VTE
Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion
Acute Pain
Risk for impaired physical mobility
Risk for Embolization
Impaired Skin Integrity

70. When administering an intradermal injection, what angle should the nurse position the needle for insertion?
5-15 degrees

71. What is the oxygen concentration for a Resuscitation mask w/ oxygen inlet (simple mask)?
6-15 LPM
Victims who are NOT breathing, or difficulty breathing

72. Clinical Manifestations for Hypervolemia?
Pulse is bounding JVD
High BP
headache, confusion, muscle spasms
Anorexia, weight gain, ascites
peripheral edema

74. How far should the drip chamber be filled?
1/3 -1/2 full

75. "What insulin type can be given by IV?
Regular Insulin

76. Nodule
tumor larger than 3 cm

77. What is the Frontal Lobe concerned with?
Intellectual Function
Broca's Area- Motor Speech

78. Wheal
raised irregular shape due to edema
mosquito bites, allergies

79. Pronation and supination of the hand and forearm are the result of the articulation of the


80. Characteristics of rheumatoid arthritis?
Joints are painful, swollen, and stiff.
It often affects small and large joints on both sides of the body (symmetrical)
Onset is rapid
Begins at any time in life

81.Describe a Non-tunneled CVAD
inserted directly into a central vein and is associated with a higher risk of infection
either the chest or the neck
can be inserted quickly at the bedside
Dwell Time less than a month

82. Non-pharmacological interventions for pain
Heat/Cold compress

83. Normal Value for Chloride
95 - 107 mEq/L

84. What symptoms might an older woman with diabetes mellitus complain?
perineal itching
Rationale: Older women might complain of perineal itching due to vaginal candidiasis.

85. Nursing diagnosis for a patient with advanced respiratory diseases.

Hyperthermia Related to Infectious Illness,
ineffective airway clearance,
pulmonary embolism
Activity Intolerance
Inadequate Nutrition
Social Isolation

Impaired Gas Exchange.
Risk for Infection
Ineffective Coping
Ineffective Breathing Pattern

86. Name 4 examples of an acute illness?

87. What is the oxygen concentration for a nasal cannula?

1-6 LPM
Victims w/ difficulty breathing, unable to tolerate mask

88. Glucose Value 2 hours after eating
Up to 140

89. Labs for someone with metabolic acidosis
low pH low HCO3

90. Name the primary veins for peripheral IV insertion
cephalic, median, cubital, basilic

91. Left Sided Heart Failure
Most Common
Pulmonary Congestion
Poor Oxygenation
S3, Increase Afterload
Irregular Palpitations
Pulmonary Edema
Diastolic and systolic dysfunction
Blood backing up into right atria

92. What does insulin do to potassium level
push potassium back into the cells,

93. What is a good diabetic meal plan
guidelines for how we are all supposed to eat
focused on the amount of carbohydrates.

94. Clinical Manifestations for a patient with Venous Insufficiency
Pooling of blood in the legs
Damage to valves in the veins
Leathery brown skin

95. 5 Reasons a nurse would avoid an area of the hand or arm for IV insertion
Impede ADL's
Tender, Red, Rash, Infected
Paralysis, Dialysis, Shunt or Mastectomy
Site distal to previous venipuncture
Distal to sclerosed, hardened, or phlebitic veins

96. An acute metabolic condition, usually is caused by absent or markedly decreased amounts of insulin

Diabetic ketoacidosis

97. Diabetes Mellitus Type 1- Signs & Symptoms
Polydipsia (thirst)
Polyuria (urine)
Polyphagia (hunger)

98. Characteristics of Circulatory Overload
Excessive amounts of isotonic/hypertonic solution
Too Rapid
Overload is associated w/ increased risk of death

99. Diagnostic Testing for Heart failure
Creatnine Kinase
Chest Xray
Coronary Angiogram

100. What is the highest priority for a patient with DVT or VTE
Skin Integrity b/c of amputation risk


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