

Medical Surgical Nursing Demystified pdf book

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Medical Surgical Nursing Demystified

The quick and easy way to master medical-surgical nursing and use your knowledge  review! in real-world situations
If you're looking for a fun, fast review that boils medical-surgical nursing down to its most essential, must-know points your search ends here! Medical-Surgical Nursing DeMYSTiFieD, 2nd Edition is a complete yet concise overview of the major body systems and the diseases and disorders that can affect them. You will learn about hallmark signs and symptoms, treatment, and nursing intervention so you have the knowledge to help your patients as a student and as a nurse once you start your career.

Studying is easy and effective with key objectives, important terms, brief overviews, tables and diagrams, and NCLEX-style questions throughout the book. The book ends with a comprehensive final exam that covers all the content found in Medical-Surgical Nursing DeMYSTiFieD, 2nd Edition.

This fast and easy guide offers:

Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter
An NCLEX-style quiz at the end of each chapter to reinforce learning and pinpoint weaknesses
Coverage of diagnostic tests and treatment options
A final exam at the end of the book
A time-saving approach to performing better on an exam or at work
Simple enough for a beginner, but challenging enough for an advanced student, Medical-Surgical Nursing DeMYSTiFieD is your shortcut to mastering this essential nursing topic.

Great for course exams and as an NCLEX review!

Click below link to download pdf book


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